
The registration to the conference is now open! To register, please follow this link.

(Some elements in the registration form are in French: Nom = Last name, Prénom = First name, Code postal = Zip code, Ville = City, Pays = Country, Organisme/Etablissement = Institution)

Whatever the option you choose (participation on-site or remote), you must register by April 26th 2024.

The conference fees are as follows: 

– 220 : regular fees (include attendance to the conference, refreshments and lunches, cockail on May 29th evening, and city tour).

– 130 : reduced fees for PhD/MA students (include attendance to the conference, refreshments and lunches, cockail on May 29th evening, and city tour).

– 30 : reduced fees for remote participants (zoom sessions only).

– Free for CLLE and IRIT staff, and UT2J PhD/MA students (include only attendance to the conference).

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